Crypto Syzygy
11 min readJan 14, 2022


AMA On ,Monday January 10th At 01:00 PM UTC

Hello Everyone!

For those who are new to this channel, CRYPTO SYZYGY is a community which is committed to provide Premium crypto signals, News and Analysis, Listing information, and Breakout alerts with high accuracy and Best technical analysis tools and Assistance to our people.


We were so pleased to host our Telegram AMA session with Integritee where we gave you the chance to ask the team anything you liked. And you certainly delivered!

Summary of the AMA

  1. Host Round
  2. Twitter Q & A Round
  3. Telegram Q & A Round

Mike: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all the community members, wherever you are based out.
The day has arrived that we at Syzygy have brought another spectacular project here –Integritee!

Truly honored to have our guest here — Tristan Jose, Business Development Lead at #Integritee.

Welcome Tristan to SYZYGY!!

Tristan: Thanks for having me! 🚀

Mike: It’s always such a pleasure to meet marvelous projects here!

SYZYGY community had been waiting for #Integritee!
Finally, got you here ☺️
Hope you enjoy the session today!

Alright! Let’s start then!
We have few questions from our end first, then we will move on to #Twitter picks and Community round.

So, to begin with, Tristan can you please share some interesting pieces about you to the community, your background and experience in the Crypto space?

Tristan: Great to be here! 💪 I have been with Integritee for nearly the past year now and it has been an incredible journey! My background is has been predominantly in traditional finance and FinTech industries — which is where I first became interested in Crypto and Blockchain technology and the vast possibilities of that technology for every part of our society. Since then I have personally and professionally been involved with a number of projects in different ecosystems but Integritee is by far the most exciting! 😎.

Mike: Ooh! Traditional Finance and FinTech to Crypto, outstanding transition buddy!

So, my next question is…
Can you briefly describe #Integritee? What is it trying to do in the Web3 space?

Tristan: The Integritee platform enables firms and dApps to process their users’ data in a privacy-preserving manner that aids compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations. Moreover, Integritee enables firms and dApps using its service to prove that all privacy-related requirements have been respected.

Integritee is a system that enables developers and firms to unlock the value of sensitive data. By combining the trust of Polkadot, the scalability of second-layer sidechains, and the confidentiality of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) hardware.

Integritee solves the 3 main issues of Blockchain as of today. Its Scalability, Interoperability and Confidentiality at the same time without downsides. Additional to that, Integritee aims to power a new generation of data-driven dApps and services.

And long term ofcourse the aim is for Integritee to become completely decentralized and governed entirely by our token holders!

Mike: Well this is why #Integritee is such a super potential project — solving the three main issues — Scalability, Interoperability and Confidentiality

Alright, my next one -

Where is #Integritee headquartered? Do you have any office space or you majorly work from scattered locations? How big is your team size?

Tristan: The core team is based in primarily in Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland and UK. Part of the development team is also based in Switzerland, the rest is really distributed around the globe. So a mix of both really! 😄

We have a well spread out and international team with varying expertise and background, and also already established local communities in e.g. France, Russia, Turkey, Vietnam, South Korea, China, Japan and have plenty of new local communities in the making.

Mike: Wow! That is quite brilliant! In every nook and corner and esp covering the local community aspect which might get missing, truly amazing !! So couple of more from our end and then we move to the best #Twitter Picks. Here’s next -

Could you briefly share the roadmap of #Integritee the way ahead, any cool updates we should be looking for the project?

Tristan: Yeah absolutely. 2021 was a year packed with work and exciting developments and we have a lot of work ahead of us for 2022:

- Deploy first enterprise PoCs.

- Decentralize and establish the Governance Council.

- Establish a multi-environment TEER token.

- Implement fee burning and lockdrop mechanisms.

- Forge partnerships with international institutions and universities.

- Issue Treasury grants to expand the Integritee ecosystem and community.

- Release Kusama-Polkadot bridge

- Release of Sidechains with Smart Contracts

- Secure Polkadot slot

- Establish Integritee as the leading Polkadot privacy solution.

Mike: Wow!! Quite a filled roadmap you have ahead, few of them I am really awaiting -
Establish a multi-environment TEER token
— Release Kusama-Polkadot bridge

— Release of Sidechains with Smart Contracts

- Secure Polkadot slot.

Ok, the final one comes next and the Host Round gets over 😁

We would really like to know about any potential tie-ups/partnerships #Integritee could have in future?

Tristan: We have announced a number of high value partnerships and there are too many to list here in detail — even before securing our 1st parachain slot! A few notable ones include:

Encointer — Encointer is a fundamental redesign of money. Based on the principle of equal opportunity every human gets a universal basic income and a digital ID without relying on a central authority.

Litentry — a network which provides privacy-first, decentralized identity aggregation computing services. The aggregation of different accounts and identity data of the same person on different platforms and blockchains in a decentralized manner.

Ajuna — Ajuna Network is a decentralized ecosystem for gamers and creators. It eases the creation of a tokenized incentive layer and provides seamless integration with modern game development environments such as Unity and Unreal.

These are just a few of the partnerships which highlight the broad application/use cases and need for what Integritee has to offer. Every new partnership strengthens the Integritee ecosystem and we will be announcing a number of new and exciting partnerships in the coming weeks. 😎

Mike: Every new partnership strengthens the Integritee ecosystem — NO doubt about it!

Encointer — And this is really an interesting one! — Would be applicable world across!

@Community — Look out for more of interesting updates from #Integritee!
We can always ask, When Binance? 😄

Cool, so let us move to #Twitter picks!

@Community — The best one shared with me by # Integritee.

Twitter Community Q & A Round

Q1: Your project to run on Kusama and polkadot, can you tell me the reasons for this decision? How will that contribute to the growth of your ecosystem?

Tristan: Yes a great question from so many great questions! 🚀

One of the biggest advantages of Kusama is that it enables many decentralized networks to achieve strength in numbers by pooling security resources. Integritee plans to use the shared security and public auditability of Kusama to power our privacy-preserving data services. Both the Polkadot and Kusama Relay chains will provide public auditability and interoperability possibilities. We are currently in the leading position for a Parachain slot and have over 50% of the cap filled so if you want a great return — now is the time! 😁

Mike: We are currently in the leading position for a Parachain slot and have over 50% of the cap filled so if you want a great return — now is the time! — @Community — This is true as @tristanjose said, Now is the time! 50% of cap filled! LFG!!

Alright, the second lucky guy -

Q2: Can you brief us about the tokenomics of your project along with your partnerships ? Also what would be the main idea or reason of starting this project and what positive unique changes can it bring towards the current crypto space?

Tristan: Yes another great question! As I mentioned partnerships before — I will focus on the tokenomics aspect. 🙏

We have a hard cap of 10m tokens and only a single native token, the TEER, that can freely float among multiple parachains and ecosystems. A portion is allocated for our early contributors, for the slot auctions to secure parachain slots, the further development of the network and ecosystem and long term the treasury, which will be governed one chain and decentralized by token holders in the future.

This means that every token holder will have the power to drive the future development of the platform and the future of privacy-preserving apps and ecosystems.

Thus, governance — which relies on coin voting — should also be unified. Therefore, a single council will be elected and all acts involving coin voting will be aggregated across all parachains/parathreads.

The value of the TEER token is driven by demand for our technology. As demand continues to grow the value of the token will increase in the long term. By definition, the TEER token has an intrinsic value: users need it to pay for operating in the Integritee network. To ensure that costs are stable and predictable for Integritee users, the usage will be denominated in fiat.

A burning function burns a fraction of each fee paid to the treasury. This implies that the overall TEER token supply is deflationary. In a nutshell: Each time a user pays for Integritee’s service with TEER tokens, a fraction of the TEER token transaction is burned.

Mike: That is such a detailed explanation mate!! Astounding! Thanks to @Community for asking such great questions which let all the folks know a great more detail about the project and token!

So here comes the next one Tristan -

Q3: Integritee Introduced the Ambassador Program, In this, How are TEER tokens holders benefitted?

Tristan: The Integritee Ambassador Program rewards our most engaged and active community members for their contributions with TEER tokens. Contributions could be anything that promotes the growth of the Integritee platform and the depth of the wider ecosystem.

There will be a total of 40 ambassadors on the program and those who start contributing early on have the chance to receive the largest TEER token rewards. Successful ambassadors help to improve the Integritee Ecosystem growth by adding visibility, communities, partnerships, development and much more. As this adds value to the Integritee network and ecosystem this inherently provides value for token holders.

We are still looking for great ambassadors to help us add value — so if you want to be part of it apply now! 🔥.

Mike: #Integritee is filling you with opportunities guys — We are still looking for great ambassadors to help us add value — so if you want to be part of it apply now! — If interested, do not forget to apply!

So the next one from #Twitter is -

Q4: How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you have local communities like Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea,.. so they can better understand your project?

Tristan: Of course! our primary community space is in English but we have seen the interest in lots of different markets and are constantly trying to extend and improve or local language community support groups. We currently have the following local groups:







We are also opening a number of new local groups as well:







Sri Lanka:

Mike: This is great!! Quite a varied support of language you have brought!!

The Final and Lucky one now from the #Twitter !!

Q5: What is the mission and vision of Integritee ? What kind of problems / use cases does Integritee hope to solve?

Tristan: Yes another great question! ✌️

Integritee is one of the most advanced scalable privacy chains, which allows the creation of GDPR-compliant dApps, private smart contracts, and launch oracles.

The most important thing to understand is that Integritee can host any blockchain in public or private mode. Our predecessor SubstraTEE was meant to be a set of tools for other ecosystem projects. We realized that many potential adopters of the technology won’t be able to obtain their own parachain slot. So that’s why we saw the potential of pooling all these projects on a dedicated parachain.

Remember: you can launch any Substrate-based blockchain on it as a sidechain. It’s a platform for blockchains. Some use cases:

Financial dapps.

Medicine, wearables


AI networks that process input data in private mode.

Data storage.

Bridges to other blockchains.

Private messengers.

Decentralized identities.

Data analytics.

Mike: This is superb!! Absolutely superb! We are so happy to have hosted you here, getting so much more details about #Integritee!

Well, that was quite an intense Q&A.

Thanks Tristan for answering those #TwitterPicks. Now is the time we move to our most high-voltage round — Community Round!

@Community be ready opening forum for Questions.

Opening in few seconds!

Telegram Community Q & A Round

Q1: Where can I currently buy Token?

Tristan: Lets start with a nice easy one! But an important one!

You can currently buy the token on and we will be listing on more platforms very soon so stay tuned to our channels! Currently though — one of the best ways to get some TEER tokens is to participate in the Crowdloan. Where you can get over 40+ TEER per KSM bonded (and you get the KSM back after 48 weeks). But you will need to be quick before we win a slot!

Q2: How are you planning to attract the non-Crypto Users in your platform , Can you talk about the UI/UX , Is it easy to use even for users who are unaware of blockchain ?

Tristan: This is definitely also an interesting point! As we are enterprise and developer focused rather than B2C — the focus is not so much on UI/UX but definitely on attracting more companies and enterprises from outside the DOT/KSM ecosystem and Crypto/Blockchain as a whole to leverage our game changing solution. We do that by creating intermediaries and by creating set prices in USD/EUR for example and this will make it easy for them to access the product while at the time time driving huge value for our token!

Q3: First of all, hello, you have a great roadmap, do you believe that you will complete this roadmap on time?

Tristan: Yes we definitely plan to execute and deliver on our roadmap for this year. If you see our planned roadmap for 2021 — we delivered on everything we said we would in a very short period of time. We will be focusing on a Polkadot parachain slot after we secure a Kusama slot and become the leading privacy solution in the Polkadot/Kusama space! So watch out! 😎🔥🚀

Mike: Awesome @tristanjose ! I am sure this would have been a tough job from selecting so many of great questions!

Alright! With this we come to an end to our AMA with #Integritee. It’s been such a pleasure to host you here Tristan.

Tristan: Its been an absolute pleasure to be here! Thanks for all the great questions — and wish you all the best! ✌️✌️

Mike: All of us from the community wish you all the luck to #Integritee and to all of your team, and look forward to the future partnerships and new listings of #Integritee!

Here are some important links of Integritee ⛓

Website | Telegram |Twitter

